Elevator Music (2019) enamel, gloss acrylic and gesso on aluminium 150 x 150cm
White Noise (2019) gloss acrylic and gesso on corflute 170 x 120cm
When the Wires Come Down (2019) gloss acrylic and gesso on cotton card 150 x 102cm
XHT (2019) gloss acrylic and gesso on cotton card 102 x 76cm
Emperor's Garden (2019) Enamel, gloss acrylic and spray paint on Aluminium 120 x 90cm
The Factory Fire (2019) Enamel, gloss acrylic and spray paint on board 150 x 120cm
Swanson Dock (2018) Acrylic on canvas 182 x 546cm
The Uphill Edge (2019) enamel, gloss acrylic and gesso on aluminium 200 x 300 cm (diptych)